挡住了饿闪电,未来的桥托着大地,当海啸冲来时, 30年以后,给人们减少灾害。真像一个顶天立地的大力士,就立刻按一下中间的黄色按钮,海底桥马上出现一条巨龙
thirty years later, i became a bridge expert and invented a strange bridge.
when the lightning strikes, you press the red button on the left, and a layer of transparent glass appears on the overpass, blocking the hungry lightning and reducing disasters for people.
when the earthquake comes, you press the green button on the right side, and the bridge immediately stretches out two huge hands, holding the earth, which is really like a man of great strength, blocking the earthquake.
when the tsunami came, immediately press the yellow button in the middle, and a huge dragon appeared on the submarine bridge. it opened its mouth and tried to suck until the tsunami passed.
for a while, there were several seagulls flying high and low on the sea, making joyful sounds.