今天,阳光灿烂,我们翰林写作班的老师带着我们去公园放风筝。过了一会儿老师把汽车开了过来,我们就坐着老师的小车来到了公园。公园里的小草扭了扭身子,探出了小脑袋。一阵春风吹来,河边的柳树姑娘就摇着长长的辫子翩翩起舞。 我看见了许多许多风筝在空中飞翔,有美丽的蝴蝶,它在空中飞来飞去,好象在说:“我是世界上最美丽的蝴蝶,谁也比不上我。”这时一只乌黑乌黑的蝙蝠飞了过来跟蝴蝶说:“美丽有什么了不起,我的翅膀比你灵活多了,世界上再也没有什么动物飞的比我高。”看着这些高高在上的风筝,我也忍不住想去放我的风筝了。
i ran to the middle of the lawn with my kite and started to prepare. i took the kite first, then tightened the string and ran, then let the kite go. so i flew the kite. however, every time the naughty kite runs to the tree, i can t take it down. after taking it down, i didn t lose heart and began to repeat the steps just now, flying the kite up, hoping to fly higher and farther this time.
looking at the kite flying away gradually, i hope it will fly higher with my wish and realize it. as time went by, our kite activity was about to end. we put up the kites and went back reluctantly. but today s good times will never be forgotten in my memory.