bart:money,woody:give it up. bart!
《玩具总动员3 》toy story 3 讲解1
bart:money, money,money.hey!
woody:you got a date with justice,one-eyed bart.
bart: too bad, sheriff. im a married man.
woody: one-eyed betty!
jessie:i think you dropped something,mister.
bart: jessie?
woody:give it up. bart! youve reached the end of the line!
bart: i always wanted to go out with a bang!
jessie: oh, no!
woody:the orphans!
bart: hate to l eave early. but our ride is here. its me or the kinddies. sheriff, take your pick.
jessie: ride like the wind, bullseys!
woody: hold him steady!
jessie: woody, hurry!
jessie: no!
buzz: glad i could catch the train!
woody: now lets catch some criminals.
buzz:to infinity and beyond!
woody: reach for the sky.
bart: you cnat touch me, sheriff? i brought my attack dog with a built-in force field.
woody: well,i brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.
buzz: evil dr. pork chop!
dr. port: thats mr. evil dr. pork chop to you.
1. too bad. 口语化非常强的词汇。意思为:太糟糕了,很不幸运,非常不好等意思。影片中当woody告诉bart说他和正义有个约会。其意思就是说bart你就要完蛋了。而bart就说了,太不幸运了,因为我已经结婚了。这是二个战斗中的对白,幽默然又犀利。一般我们生活也还常用到:not too bad.来表达不太好也不太坏的情况,有点马马虎虎的意思。
2. our ride is here.影片中bart夫妇面对woody他们的追捕,愤然的炸断了铁路,火车上的孩子们面临火车坠毁的灾难,而劫匪bart夫妇在获得钱财后,准备离开了。因为有安排好的车来接他们。因此他说:接我们的车已经来了。ride这里指所乘的车,为名词。类似短语take a ride 有坐顺风车的意思。
3. take you pick. 情景如上面所述,bart 说你自己选择吧。看你是救孩子还是抓我归案。你自己挑吧。这bart可真够坏的,其实影片中的坏人都是一样,不得已时拿来人质来,看你是顾我还是顾人质。跟另一个短语很相似:its up to you. 随你自己的便。你自己看着办吧。
4. ride like the wind. 影片中jessie跟woody看着bart他们逃走却也顾不上抓他们,因为孩子们跟火车马上就要掉入深渊了。woody他们必须尽快追上火车,让火车停下来好逃过灾难。就对他们骑的马儿说:马儿你要像风一样。进一步意思就是说:马儿你快点,再快点。